Student Posters - overall: 468


This set introduce more than 400 student’s posters, that was realized on demand by TERRY POSTERS or was inspired by ours activities.
First collection was created at VSUP in Prague in 2006 and was called A Different Film Poster- . Then second in 2011 was 0,7m2 Movie Screen in studio GRAPHIC DESIGN 2 UJEP in Usti nad Labem. Third collection at the turn of years 2011 and 2012 take name Different views because students from three diferent countries – Czech republic, Slovakia and Poland participated on it. In May in 2012 on occasion of movie festival Anifilm in Trebon were shown students posters for cult animated movie . And in January 2013 as fresh blood in this project introduce themself students from Institue of art and design on West bohemia university with POSTERS-PILSNER-SOCKS-PRAGUE-
